Figure 7. Summary data and statistical analysis of 5-HT release evoked by tail-nerve stimulation.
Top, maximal concentration of 5-HT release evoked by ipsilateral or contralateral tail-nerve stimulation in the pleural (A) and pedal (B) ganglia. Ipsilateral stimulation released a greater concentration of 5-HT into the extracellular space in Aplysia than in Phyllaplysia and Dolabrifera. However, 5-HT release evoked by contralateral stimulation was maximal in Phyllaplysia, intermediate in Aplysia and minimal in Dolabrifera. Bottom, a ratio of lateralization was computed as (Ipsi - Contra)/(Ipsi + Contra); 1.0 for complete lateralization to the ipsilateral side, 0.0 for equal release in ipsi- and contralateral sides, −1.0 for complete lateralization to the contralateral side. The lateralization ratio for both pleural (C) and pedal (D) ganglia was maximal for Dolabrifera, intermediate for Aplysia and minimal for Phyllaplysia. Histograms show mean ±s.e.m. *P ≤ 0.05 as assessed by a one-way ANOVA followed by a LSD post hoc test.