A and B, effects of incubation of myocytes obtained from male diabetic rats with 5 μM ECE inhibitor for 5–9 hours. A, sample current traces in cells without (left) and with (right) the ECE inhibitor. B, current–voltage relationships for Ipeak (left) and Isus (right) in the absence (•, n = 20) or presence (▪, n = 17) of the ECE inhibitor. * Significant increase (P < 0.005) in both currents between −20 and +50 mV. C and D, equivalent results in cells from female diabetic rats (n = 33 and n = 23 in the absence and presence of the ECE inhibitor, respectively). In contrast to the effects in cells from diabetic males, ECE inhibition did not augment either current in cells from diabetic females.