A, Western blot analysis. A single band of strong immunoreactivity at approximately 240 kDa in the membrane fraction of rat DRG is shown. Note that membrane fractions of rat whole brain, cerebellum, skeletal muscle, heart, superior cervical ganglia, liver and kidney showed no detectable immunoreactivity. Membrane extract from CHO-SNS22 (a cell line stably transfected with rat NaV1.8 cDNA) showed strong immunoreactivity at the same size with DRG. Non-transfected CHO cells did not show any bands. B, relationship of subjective score to relative intensity of Nav1.8-LI. The x-axis shows the subjective score (0 for the most negative, 1 for just positive and 5 for the most intense Nav1.8-LI). The y-axis shows the percentage of relative intensity of Nav1.8-LI from 0 to 100 %, ranging from the most negative (0 %) to the most intense Nav1.8-LI (100 %).