Figure 5. Comparison of body segment alignments in response to tilt of the support surface and GVS.
The figures show the angular alignment of the body and segments in response to tilt of the platform. The angular scale for each segment is magnified × 12.5. The upper figures are standing on a rigid platform with feet apart and the lower figures are standing on foam with feet together. The leftmost figures (A) are responses in the gravitational frame of reference (FoR). The black arrow (V) is the gravitational vertical and a grid (P) is drawn normal to the platform. These figures are tilted (B) so that the platform is level to yield the alignment in the platform surface FoR (C). If GVS produced a postural response based on an interpretation that the ground had tilted, then the measured GVS responses (D) should be similar to the tilt responses in platform co-ordinates (C).