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. 2003 Aug 22;553(Pt 2):561–574. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2003.043257

Figure 2. Dimensions of the absorbing enterocytes.

Figure 2

Figure 2A defines the dimensions used to construct Table 1.The apical parts of epithelial cells are considered as cylinders of radius rS and depth h and the middle and basal parts of the cells as inverted truncated cones with radii rS and rb, extending from the basal aspect of the tight junction at xa to basement membrane at xb. Figure 2B is a low-power electron micrograph of hamster jejunal cells fixed rapidly during the absorption of glucose; the asterisks indicate the widened lateral intercellular spaces. (Reproduced with permission from Madara & Pappenheimer, 1987).