Figure 2. MMP7 and MMP1 Gene and Protein Levels Are Significantly Increased in the Lungs of Patients with IPF.
(A) Average gene expression levels (log scale) measured using gene expression microarrays of genes that encode the 49 protein markers in IPF lungs (y-axis) compared to control lungs (x-axis). Colored squares (black or red) are genes that encode proteins that changed significantly in plasma. Red squares are genes that changed significantly (SAM Q value <5%) in gene expression data and that encode proteins measured in peripheral blood. Green oblique lines denote 2-fold change.
(B and C) MMP7 (B) and MMP1 (C) concentrations (ng/ml) are significantly (p < 0.00001 and p = 0.018, respectively) higher in BAL fluid of patients with IPF (n = 22) compared to control individuals (n = 10).