(A and B) Concentrations (ng/ml) of MMP7 (A) and MMP1 (B) in the blood are significantly higher in patients with IPF (n = 34) than in patients with HP (n = 41).
(C) Average gene expression levels (log scale) in IPF samples (y-axis) compared to HP (x-axis) measured by gene expression microarrays. Gray circles, all genes on the array; red circles, MMP1 and MMP7. Green oblique lines denote 2-fold change.
(D) Combinations of serum MMP7 (y-axis) and MMP1 concentrations (x-axis) in IPF (closed circles) and HP patients (open circles). Corners represent points in which the trade-off between positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) are optimal for ruling out IPF (blue) or concluding IPF (red) on the basis of MMP1 and MMP7 concentrations.
(E) ROC curves for using MMP1 or MMP7, or their combination, to classify samples as IPF or HP. Sensitivity, or true positive rate, is plotted on the y-axis, and false positive rate, or 1 − specificity, on the x-axis. The identity line at 45 ° represents a marker that performed no better than classifying samples as IPF or HP by flipping a fair coin.