NEDD4L is required for efficient HeLa cell cytokinesis. (A) Immunofluorescent images of HeLa cells treated with a control siRNA (left, negative control) or with siRNAs targeting TSG101 (middle, positive control) or NEDD4L (right). Microtubules (red; anti-α-tubulin) and nuclei (Sytox green) were stained for reference. White arrowheads highlight multinuclear cells, and yellow arrowheads indicate cells with visible midbodies. Mono- and multinucleated cells were quantified by microscopic counting, and the percentages of multinuclear cells are reported below each panel. (B) FACS analyses of the DNA content of cells treated with a control siRNA (left; negative control) or with siRNAs targeting TSG101 (middle; positive control) or NEDD4L (right). Peaks corresponding to 2N and 4N DNA contents are labeled, and the integrated peak volumes are provided.