Figure 2.
Effect of deletions and point mutations on ARS309 function. Lines represent the sequences present in plasmids. Position 1 is the first adenine of the HpaI site; position 349 is the cytidine of the EcoRI site. Solid boxes show the 10 of 11 matches to the ACS at positions 31–41, 159–169, 161–171, and 231–241. The open box marks the position of the 9 of 11 match at positions 62–72. The stippled boxes show the positions of the 9 of 11 matches at positions 75–85 and 94–104. × indicates point mutations altering the ACS matches (see Table 1). Boxes above the line indicate that the T-rich strand of the ACS is in the top strand, and boxes below the line indicate the T-rich strand of the ACS is in the lower strand. HFT: +, high-frequency transformation; −, no high-frequency transformation. Stability: Numbers show percentage of plasmid bearing cells in a logarithmic-phase culture under selection (mean ± SEM). (A) Full-length wild-type ARS309 (base pairs 1–349). (B) Deletion mutant containing base pairs 1–227. (C) Deletion mutant containing base pairs 1–147. (D) Deletion mutant containing base pairs 54–349. (E) RsaI subclone (base pairs 57–135). (F) Triple point mutation altering all four 10 of 11 matches (see Table 1). (G) Mutation altering the 9 of 11 match at positions 62–72 (see Table 1). (H) Mutation altering the two 9 of 11 matches at positions 75–85 and 94–104 (see Table 1).