(A) In situ hybridization of lip-1 in dissected gonads. A probe antisense to the lip-1 mRNA was used to stain wild type, lip-1(zh15) and dpl-1(n3316) dissected gonads. A sense probe was also used to stain wild type to detect background hybridization. All genotypes were stained in parallel with identical hybridization, color development, and image exposure times. DAPI staining is included below corresponding in situ images to distinguish gonad morphology. Asterisk indicates the distal end of gonad. (B) Semi-quantitative RT-PCR of lip-1 mRNA levels using total RNA prepared from 50 gonads for each genotype. Molecular marker (lane 1), wild type (lane 2), dpl-1(n3316) (lane 3), lip-1(zh15) (lane4). Hexokinase (hxk) was used as internal control.