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. 2007 Dec 11;23(2):175–179. doi: 10.1007/s11606-007-0469-9

Table 1.

Key Prompts for Focus Groups and Interviews

Focus Group Prompts
1. Parents’ Group Prompts:
Physical activity
In some families we’ve talked to, kids play outside a lot; in others, kids stay inside more often—tell me about your children.
How much TV do your children watch/video games do they play?
What types of activities would you like your child to do more often?
What would help them be more physically active?
On a typical day, from breakfast to dinner, including snacks, what does your child eat?
Would you like to make any changes in your family’s diet?
What would make it difficult to change your family’s diet? / What would help to change their diet?
Body Image
What makes a person healthy?
How do you determine if someone is overweight?
What are your concerns about your weight? Your child’s weight?
What kinds of problems can a person/a child have if s/he is overweight?
Programmatic questions (regarding a proposed program for children and parents to work on healthy nutrition and exercise behaviors)
What kinds of things would you like to learn from this kind of a program?
What would make changing your children’s/family’s diet difficult? What would make it easy?
What kinds of things would make changing your children’s/family’s activity patterns difficult? What would make it easy?
What kinds of things would make it difficult to attend a program like this? What would make it easy?
Do you think your kids would enjoy participating in the program with their parents?
Would you like participating in such a program with your kids?
2. Children’s Group Prompts:
Physical activity
What kinds of things do you like to do after school?
What do you like to play with your friends?
When friends come over, do you like to play inside or outside more?
What kind of activities do you not like to do?
Tell me about recess/gym class in your school.
What are your favorite foods to eat?
What do you like to eat for snacks or after school?
What don’t you like to eat?
Tell me about the fruits and vegetables that you eat.
Who chooses the foods that you eat?
Lots of families have rules about eating, like “no desert until you finish your plate.” Does your family have any rules like that?
Do you go grocery shopping with your mom or dad?
How much attention do you pay to what your friends eat?
How comfortable are you eating different foods from what your friends eat?
How do you feel about trying new foods?
Body Image (showing body shape line drawings* and saying “Let’s talk about what makes people attractive to you and what makes them look healthy.”)
Which person would you most like to look like?
Which person looks healthiest?
What kind of things would make you think a person was overweight?
Programmatic questions (prefaced by: “We want to create a health program for kids who are interested in learning new exercises, recipes, and eating habits.”)
If you wanted to change the way you eat, what would make if hard?
What kinds of things would help you change the way you eat?
If you wanted to exercise more, what would make it hard?
What kinds of things would help you exercise more?
Can you think of any physical activities that you would like to learn or try?
What are the top three things we could do to make our program fun for kids like you?
Interview Prompts
3. Prompts for Interviews with Community Leaders:
Needs, values, beliefs, practices
What kinds of health problems do you observe in your community facing young people?
How does the family fit into those health issues?
How aware do you think community members are of these problems?
What health concerns do you perceive to be of interest to community members?
Given all these priorities, where do obesity, nutrition, and exercise fit?
What are the barriers to healthy nutrition in this community?
What are the barriers to physical activity for children and families?
What kinds of resources do community members have for healthy lifestyles?
(Community organizations/exercise/recreational facilities...)
What kinds of programs do you have in your community to address the health problems that you have identified? Where are the ‘holes’?
What kinds of programs would you like to see in your community to address the problems that you have identified?
Where does the proposed intervention (brief description given) fit into the community?
What would be barriers to program effectiveness?
How could we best engage members of your facility/community?

*Figure rating scale adapted from: Stevens J, Story M, Becenti A, et al. Weight-related attitudes and behaviors in fourth grade American Indian children. Obes Res. 1999;7:34–42.