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. 2008 Mar 27;5:17. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-5-17

Table 1.

Baseline socio-demographic characteristics of non-owners at baseline by dog ownership status at one year follow-up

Characteristic % New dog owners Mean (SD) (n = 92) % Continuing non-owners Mean (SD) (n = 681) p value
Gender (female) 62.0 57.3 0.395
Mean age (years) 39.1 (SD 9.59) 41.68 (SD 12.48) 0.021
Born in Australia 59.3 54.1 0.342
Marital status
Married/defacto 75.0 84.4 0.037
Separated/divorced/widowed 15.2 7.7
Single 9.8 8.0
Secondary or less 38.5 38.5 0.073
Trade/apprentice/certificate 45.1 35.2
Bachelor or higher 16.5 26.3
Work status
Work 87.0 77.2 0.036
No work 12.0 15.2
Retired 1.1 7.7
Number of hours worked1
 ≤ Half time 15.3 (16.5) 10.2 (13.0) 0.005
>Half time ≤ 38 hrs/week 23.5 (25.3) 22.8 (29.2) (0.260)
>38 hrs/week ≤ 60 hrs/week 52.9 (57.0) 40.6 (51.9)
>60 hrs/week 1.2 (1.3) 4.6 (5.8)
Not in workforce 7.1 21.8
Management/administration 20.7 (22.2) 12.8 (16.3) 0.002
Professional 26.4 (28.4) 30.6 (38.8) (0.111)
Blue collar 23.0 (24.7) 13.4 (17.0)
Clerical/sales/service/other 23.0 (24.7) 21.9 (27.8)
Not in workforce 6.9 21.3
Household income
<$49, 999 23.8 28.1 0.859
$50–69,999 27.4 25.3
$70–89,999 22.6 22.4
$90,000+ 26.2 24.1
Children living at home <18 years 61.1 48.4 0.024
Mean age of children living at home 7.24 (SD 4.20) 6.43 (SD 4.54) 0.219
<18 years
Type of residence
Separate house 81.5 80.2 0.652
Semi-attached 8.7 9.6
Flat/unit 7.6 9.3
Other 2.2 0.9

1 Results presented within brackets for number of hours worked and occupation excludes those not in the workforce from the sample

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