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. 2007 May 8;96(11):1625–1632. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6603771

Table 2. Characteristics of included studies.

Study Year Patient group Percentage randomisation Age Primary therapy Study design Main outcome measures Follow-up schedule Duration of study or median follow up
Grunfeld 1996 Two hundred and ninety-six primary operable patients attending routine follow up at all stages of follow up and free of metastatic disease 66.5% Mean 59.1 GP and 62.4 hospital (s.d. 10.3 and 12) 53% mastectomy, 47% Breast Conservation (BCT) Randomised controlled trial of follow up in general practice vs hospital. Quality of life as measured by several validated questionnaires. Number of recurrences. Number of deaths. Time to diagnose recurrence from onset of symptoms. No data on survival 3 monthly clinical examination and history during the first year, 6 monthly for 4 years, then annual in one hospital, with 3 monthly first year, 4 monthly second year, 6 monthly for 5 years and then annual in the other. General practice group as per hospital of diagnosis. One to two yearly mammograms. 18 months
Gulliford 1997 One hundred and ninety-six primary operable patients attending routine follow up over a 24-month period at all stages of follow up and free of metastatic disease 93% 56 <49 years, 96 =50–65 years and 41 >65 years 68% BCT, 32% mastectomy Comparison of frequent follow up vs annual follow up Acceptability of randomisation and overall satisfaction. Interim use of telephone and general practioner. No data on survival or quality of life 3 monthly clinical examination and history during first year, 4 monthly second year, 6 monthly for 5 years and then annual. One to two yearly mammogram, depending on whether mastectomy or BCT in the control group, annual clinical examination, history and mammogram in the trial group Median 16 months
Brown 2002 Sixty-one primary operable patients attending routine follow up at all stages of follow up and free of metastatic disease 50% Mean 63 standard clinic, 68 in patient initiated 66% BCT, 34% mastectomy Traditional clinic follow up vs patient-initiated follow up Quality of life using validated questionnaires and satisfaction using unvalidated structured interview. NO data on survival 4–6 monthly clinical examination and history for first 5 years then annual in control group vs on request only in the study group. Annual mammograms in both 12 months
Koinberg 2004 Two hundred and sixty-four primary operable patients attending routine follow up at all stages of follow up and free from metastatic disease Not given 58.8 (s.d. 10.1) in traditional group, 60 (s.d. 10.3) in the on demand group 84% BCT, 16% mastectomy Traditional clinic follow up vs follow up on demand coordinated by a breast care nurse Quality of life and satisfaction using validated questionnaires. Number of contacts with health professionals. Number of events and survival 3 monthly clinical examination and history for 2 years, 6 monthly for 3 years then annual for 5 years and annual mammogram in traditional follow-up group, with appointments on demand only and annual mammograms in the nurse-led follow up on demand group 5 years
Baildam 2004 Five hundred and twenty-five primary operable patients attending routine follow up at all stages of follow up and free of metastatic disease 78% Not given Not given Comparison of standard follow up with those by hospital doctors or specially trained breast care nurses Number of events Anxiety by validated questionnaire. Satisfaction using validated questionnaire. Economic comparison NO survival comparison Not given, but identical for both arms Not given
Kokko 2005 Four hundred and seventy-two primary operable patients attending routine follow up at all stages of follow up and free of metastatic disease Not given 56.9 in frequent follow up group, 60 in infrequent group 54% mastectomy, 46% BCT A comparison of 3 vs 6 monthly follow up (and of intense vs as required investigations) Event detection and cost per event detected No data on survival 3 vs 6 monthly clinical examination and history. Median 4.2 years
Grunfeld 2006 Nine hundred and sixty-eight women between 9 and 15 months after diagnosis of early-stage breast cancer, who had completed treatment and were disease free 55% Mean 60.9 (in both groups) 73% BCT, 20% mastectomy and 7% biopsy only A comparison of follow up by general practioner vs hospital follow up Quality of life using validated questionnaires. Significant clinical events (metastases related). Number of local recurrences and deaths 3–6 monthly for 3 years, 6 monthly for 2 years then annual, with annual mammogram Median 4.5 years from diagnosis (3.5 from randomisation)

Abbreviations: BCT=breast conservation; s.d.=standard deviation.