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. 2007 Apr 24;96(10):1605–1612. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6603754

Table 3. Molecular laboratory tests results and family history of 18 patients with an MSI-positive tumour with unexplained etiology.

No. Meth IHC Tumour tested for MSI Age Other tumour(s) AC 2fam Tumours of close relatives
149a MLH1/PMS2− Colon ascendens 43 3co45 MSS
499 MLH1/PMS2− Colon ascendens 58  
445 MLH1/PMS2− Colon transversum 49 +  
498 MLH1/PMS2− Sigmoid 58 co49  
172 MLH1/PMS2− Colon ascendens 51 +  
373a PMS2− Caecum 36  
554 PMS2− Colon transversum 55 co55 1co56 MSS
582 MSH2/MSH6− Sigmoid 33 + + 1co47 MSI,IHC:MSH2−,meth−
396 MSH2/MSH6− Appendix 34  
224 MSH2/MSH6− Ileocecum 53 co34,co50 + +  
580 MSH2/MSH6− Endometrium 45  
718 MSH2/MSH6− Rectum 18 + 1co47 MSI,HC:MSH2−,meth−
736 MSH2/MSH6− Rectum 58 co58 MSS  
421b MSH6− Colon ascendens 53 1en62 MSI/IHC NA
135 PMS2/MSH2/MSH6−c Colon ascendens 27  
243 PMS2/MSH2/MSH6−c Colon transversum 30 +  
127 None− Rectum 54  
375d None− Caecum 36 +  

Meth, methylation analysis of MLH1 promoter; IHC, immunohistochemical analysis of MLH1, PMS2, MSH2, and MSH6; Tumour tested for MSI, tumour origin or exact location of tumour in case of colon cancer of tumour tested for MSI; Age, age at diagnosis of tumour tested for MSI; Other tumour(s), metachronous or synchronous cancer associated with Lynch syndrome of index patient and age at diagnosis; AC, Amsterdam II criteria (Vasen et al, 1999). 2fam, 2 first degree relatives (including index) with Lynch syndrome associated cancer, one of them with an age at diagnose below 50 years (Rodriguez-Bigas et al, 1997); Tumours of close relatives, tumours of close relatives tested for MSI and/or IHC, meth; +, positive; −, negative; NA, not assessable; co, colon; MSI, MSI positive; MSS, MSI negative; 1, first degree relative; 2, second degree relative; 3 third degree relative. (e.g. 3co45 MSS, a third degree relative of index patient had a colon tumour diagnosed at the age of 45 years which was MSI negative).


Carrier of unclassified variant c.1852_1853delinsGC (p.Lys618Ala) in MLH1.


Carrier of unclassified variant c.2117T>C (p.Phe706Ser) in MSH6 (Kets et al, 2006).


IHC difficult to interpret.


Carrier of unclassified variant c.250A>G (p.Lys84Glu) in MLH1 and c.984C>T (silent) in MSH2.