Figure 2.
Expression of immunosuppressive cytokines and tolerogenic cell markers in melanoma at different stages of progression. To confirm the PCR-detected expression of mRNA for the cell markers and immunosuppressive cytokines examined, we performed IHC on sections from the same block as that used for RNA extraction. To avoid confusion with melanin, a red chromogen (Fuksin, Dako, UK) has been used and representative photographs taken to illustrate the findings. The images are as follows, with the original magnifications in parentheses: (A) FXIIIa+ cells within the tumour tissue in a lymph node largely replaced by metastatic melanoma (× 400). (B) TGFβ2 expression in by melanoma cells in primary cutaneous melanoma (× 400). (C) TGFβR1 expression by lymphoid cells in primary skin melanoma (× 400). (D) TGFβR1 expression in by lymphoid cells in an SLN positive for a melanoma micrometastasis (not shown) (× 400). (E) Double staining for IDO (red) and FXIIIa (brown) in a negative SLN (× 400). (F) Double staining IDO (red) FXIIIa (brown) in a melanoma-positive SLN (× 400). (G) Expression of FoxP3+, a nuclear transcription factor regulatory and suppressive T lymphocyte marker, in primary skin melanoma (× 1000). (H) Expression of FoxP3+ lymphocytes in a melanoma-positive SLN (× 1000).