Table 3. Patients with EGFR mutation who were enrolled in the phase II trial.
No. | Age | Sex | Smoking history | Histology | Stage | Specimen | EGFR mutation site | Nucleotide change | Amino-acid change | Response | TTP (month) | OS (month) |
1 | 47 | F | Never | Ad | IV | Surgery | Exon 19 | 2235–2249 del | del E746-A750 | CR | 16.8+a | 16.8+ |
2 | 72 | F | Never | Ad | Recurrence | TBB | Exon 19 | 2237–2254 del | del E746-S752insV | CR | 8.3 | 14.8+ |
3 | 68 | F | Never | Ad | IV | LB | Exon 19 | 2236–2250 del | del E746-A750 | PR | 7.5 | 14.7+ |
4 | 63 | F | Former | Sq | IV | TBB | Exon 19 | 2236–2250 del | del E746-A750 | PD | 0.5 | 6.9 |
5 | 80 | F | Never | Ad | IV | TBB | Exon 19 | 2236–2250 del | del E746-A750 | SD | 8.9 | 13.6+ |
6 | 78 | M | Current | Ad | Recurrence | Surgery | Exon 21 | 2573 T>G | L858R | PR | 13.4+ | 13.4+ |
7 | 67 | F | Never | Ad | IIIb | TBB | Exon 19 | 2236–2250 del | del E746-A750 | PR | 12.8+ | 12.8+ |
8 | 65 | F | Never | Ad | IV | TBB | Exon 19 | 2240–2257 del | del L747-P753insS | PR | 11.9 | 11.9+ |
9 | 51 | F | Never | Ad | IV | TBB | Exon 19 | 2240–2257 del | del L747-P753insS | PR | 11.3 | 12.7+ |
10 | 57 | F | Never | Ad | IV | TBB | Exon 19 | 2240–2257 del | del L747-P753insS | PR | 12.7+ | 12.7+ |
11 | 83 | F | Never | Ad | Recurrence | Surgery | Exon 21 | 2573 T>G | L858R | PR | 11.7+ | 11.7+ |
12 | 81 | F | Never | Ad | IIIb | TBB | Exon 19 | 2240–2257 del | del L747-P753insS | PR | 2.6 | 7.5+ |
13 | 52 | F | Never | Ad | IV | TBB | Exon 19 | 2235–2249 del | del E746-A750 | PR | 7.1 | 7.1+ |
14 | 70 | M | Never | Ad | IV | Surgery | Exon 21 | 2573 T>G | L858R | PD | 1.9 | 3.1 |
15 | 69 | F | Never | Ad | Recurrence | Surgery | Exon 19 | 2236–2250 del | del E746-A750 | PR | 7.0+ | 7.0+ |
16 | 65 | M | Current | Ad | IV | PLB | Exon 19 | 2236–2250 del | del E746-A750 | PD | 0.9 | 5.4+ |
Abbreviations: TTP=time to progression; OS=overall survival; F=female; M=male; Ad=adenocarcinoma; del=deletion; Sq=squamous cell carcinoma; TBB=transbronchial biopsy; ins=insertion; CR=complete remission; LB=liver biopsy; PR=partial remission; SD=stable disease; PD=progressive disease; PLB=percutaneous lung biopsy; EGFR=epidermal growth factor receptor.
Still alive with no progression at the time of data collection.