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. 2006 Feb 21;94(5):661–671. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6602996

Table 1. Cell lines used in this study.

Cell line(source) Tissue Tumour type Genotype confirmation CDH1 promoter methylation Protein expression CDH1 mutation(9) QPCRa Flow index MESF
BT474(1) Breast IDC + +   192.7  
BT483(1) Breast IDC NIA     226.6  
BT549(1) Breast PIDC NIA ±   3.2  
CAMA1(1) Breast C +(7) + + 23.9 17
Du4475(1) Breast IDC + + 24.5  
HBL100(1) Breast Normal(8) NIA(8) +   0.0  
Hs578T(1) Breast CS + ± 0.0 0
MCF10A(1) Breast Normal   ±     1.0  
MCF10F(1) Breast Normal + ±   0.3  
MCF12A(1) Breast Normal + ±     10.7  
MCF7(1) Breast IDC + + 201.8 47
MDA-MB-134 VI(1) Breast IDC + + 3.8  
MDA-MB-175 VII(1) Breast IDC + + 281.1  
MDA-MB-231(1) Breast IDC + ± ± 30.3 18
MDA-MB-231*(6) Breast IDC (6) ±   0.3  
MDA-MB-330(1) Breast IDC + + 99.1  
MDA-MB-361(1) Breast AC + + 243.6  
MDA-MB-435s(1) Breast IDC + +   0.0 0
MDA-MB-453(1) Breast AC +   6.8  
MPE600(2) Breast C NIA + + 96.2 108
OCUB-F(3) Breast C NIA + 75.7  
SK-BR-3(1) Breast IDC + Del + 0.1 0
SK-BR-5(4) Breast C NIA + 20.1 0
SUM185PE(5) Breast   NIA +   131.2  
SUM44PE(5) Breast ILC NIA + 5.4  
T47D(1) Breast IDC + + 97.2 121
ZR75-1(1) Breast IDC + + 284.8 103
LS180(1) Colorectal AC          
LS411N(1) Colorectal C          
SW480(1) Colorectal AC          
SW837(1) Rectal AC          

(1)American Tissue Type Collection (ATCC); (2)Dr F Waldman; (3)Riken Gene Bank; (4)Dr E Stockert; (5)Dr S Ethier; (6)a clone spontaneously derived from MDA-MD-231 lacking allele 8 of TPOX; (7)lost the 9.3 allele of THO1; (8)HBL100 was originally isolated from a healthy female; however, it turned out to have a Y chromosome; (9)after van de Wetering et al. (2001).


Normalised real-time PCR SQ values for CDH1 expression; IDC=invasive ductal carcinoma; PIDC=papillary invasive ductal carcinoma; C=carcinoma; CS=carcinosarcoma; ILC=invasive lobular carcinoma; AC=adenocarcinoma; NIA=no information available; (blank)=not determined; Del=promoter deletion.