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. 2007 Dec 11;98(2):434–442. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6604130

Table 1. Clinical, cytogenetic, and FISH data.

Case no.a Age/sex Siteb Sizec Treatmentd Follow-upe Karyotypef LSI®® p16/cep 9g
1P 73/F S 8 SI, RT R 22, AwD 26 40-42,X,-X,-3,-4,-10,del(11)(q23),-16,-21,-22,inc ++/++
2R 37/F S 3 SI, RT, IFN R 97+169+274+307, M 217, DoD 338 46,XX −−/++
3P 56/M S 12 SI R 26, DoD 40 46,XY ND
4P 52/F S 10 SM, RT R 67, M 67, DoD 70 46,XX ND
5P 42/M C 5 SW NED 120 46,XY −+/−+
6P 41/M C 6 SW NED 36 46,XY ++/++
7P 71/M C 9 S, RT R 42+114, NED 126 46,XY,t(1;8)(q21;q24),t(2;?15)(p23;q15),add(3)(q21),t(5;7)(q33;q22)/43-48,XY,add(3)(p21),-4,-11,add(11) (q23),add(12)(q13),add(14)(q12),+21,+3mar/46-48,XY,t(1;5)(q3?2;q1?5),del(8)(p21),inv(11)(p11q23),-16, add(21)(q22),+marh −+/−+
8P 61/M S 15 SM R 39+62, M 88, DoD 113 40,XY,der(1)t(1;21)(p11;q11),-3,-4,-8,der(8)t(1;8)(q21;p23),add(9)(q22),del(9)(p22),-13,-14,-18,der(20)t(8;20) (q11;q13),-21,+mar/77-84,idemx2,+3,+8,+2marh −−/++
9P 74/M C 3 S NED 18 40-42,XY,-3,der(6)t(6;9)(q?25-27;q11-12),-8,-9,der(9)t(9;10)(p24;?) or der(9)t(9;16)(p24;?),-10,dic(12;?16) (?p1?3;?)?inv(12)(p11p13),der(21)t(8;21)(q11;p13),-22h −+/−+
10P 60/F S 6 S NED 120 43,-X,der(X;1)(q22-24;p13),der(1)t(1;11)(p1?3;p1?3),der(1;22)(q10;q10), add(3)(p12-13),der(3)t(3;12) (p25;?p11),der(5)ins(5;19)(p15;p11p12) or der(5)ins(5;19)(p15;q11q12),der(7)t(2;7)(p15-16;q21-22) or der(7) t(2;7)(q31-32;q21-22),+der(7)t(7;13)(p15;?q14)t(1;13)(p22;q22),der(8)t(7;8) (?q32;q24),?der(10)del(10)(p11) del(10)(q22),der(11)t(11;16) (p11;q11),der(12)t(7;12)(q11;p11),?inv(12)(q13q15),-13,del(14) (q32),-16,-17,-18h ++/++
11P 51/M S 8 SI R3+60+63+86+90+113, DoD 118 42,X,-Y,der(1)t(1;3)(p31;p11-12),der(2)t(2;3)(p21;?),-3,der(3)t(2;3) (?;p12),-4,der(5)t(5;16)(q33;?p?),der(7) t(5;7)(q33;q36),+der(8)t(1;8) (?;q24),del(9)(p13),-10,del(11)(q13),dup(12)(q13q24),+del(12) (q13),-16,-18, dup(18)(q?),?add(19)(q13),der(22)t(4;22)(q11;p11)/40,X,-Y,der(1)t(1;3),der(2)t(2;3),der(2)t(2;7)(p?;?),-3, der(3)t(2;3), der(4)t(4;7)(p?;?),der(5)t(5;16),der(6)t(6;7)(q?;?),der(7)t(5;7), del(9),-10,del(11),dup(12),+del(12), der(13)t(8;13) (q?;q?),-16,der(17)t(6;17)(?;q?),der(19)t(3;19),der(22)t(4;22)/46,del(X)(q24),-Y,der(1)t(1;9) (p36;?),der(2)t(2;16)(p21;?), der(3)t(3;14)(p21;q24)t(3;16)(q11;?)t(2;16)(?;?),der(4)t(4;13)(q3?;?), der(5)t(5;16),der(6)t(6;8)(p23;?p21),?del(7)(q?),der(8)t(6;8)(?;p?),del (9),del(11),der(12)t(7;12)(q?;q24)t(5;7)(q33;?), +del(12)(q13q15), der(14)t(3;14)(q21;q24),-16,der(16)t(Y;16)(q11;p13),der(17)t (9;17)(q?;p?),?add(17)(p11), der(19)t(X;19)(?q24;p13)h −+/++
12R 70/M T12 5 S, RT R 12+23, AwD 61 40-44,XY,-1,der(3)t(1;3)(q11;q11),?-4,der(9)t(9;14)(p11;p13),-22h −+/++
13R 71/M T11 5 SI, RT R 6, DoD 50 47-48,XY,+2,inv(9)(p11q12)c,+13,-14,-16,-16,+2mar (primary tumour)h ++/++
14P 50/M S 8 SM NED 22 43-46,XY,-3,+12,-13,add(21)(q?21),+der(?)t(?;1)(?;q21) ++/++
15R 63/M S ? SW R 157, NED 200 39-40,XY,t(1;20)(q12;q13),-3,t(6;9)(q27;q13),-10,-14,-18,-21,-22/36-40,XY,-3,t(6;9),-10,-14,-18,der(20) t(1;20),-21,-22 −+/++
16M 32/M S ? S, RT R, M, DoD ∼285 33-40,X,-Y,-1,add(1)(p11)x1-2,+2,der(2;14)(q10;q10),-3,add(4)(p15),-5,-6,ins(6;?1)(q24;q25q44),-8,-9,-10, add(11)(p15),-12,der(12)t(8;12) (q13;q24),-13,-13,-15,add(16)(q22),-17,-18,-20,-21,-21,-22,+der(?) t(?;13) (?;q13),+1-4r,+4marh ++/++
17R 59/M S ? SW NED 64 ND ND
18P 85/F S ? SI DoC 20 ND ND
19P 66/M S ? SM AwD 48 ND ND
20P 68/F S ? SW M 48, AwD 48 ND ND
21P 50/M S ? SM R 12, AwD 98 ND ND
21R       SW, RT   ND ND
22P 22M 52/F S ? SM M 36, AWD 48 37-40,XX,der(1)t(1;13)(p21;q33),der(2)(2pter → 2q1∷6q?∷2q?∷6p? → 6pter),der(2;17)(p10;q10),-3,-5,del(6),del(9)(p11), der(11;14)(q10;q10),der(13),-14,der(20)t(6;20)(p?;q10) ND
23P 70/M S ? SI, RT LTF ND ND
24P 24R 66/M S ? SM, SW, RT R 36, NED 52 ND ND
25R 57/M S ? SI, RT M, LTF ND ND
26R1 26R2 42/F S ? SI, RT, SI R 204, AwD 210 ND ND

aCGH=array comparative genomic hybridisation; COBRA=combined binary ratio; F=female; FISH=fluorescence in situ hybridisation; M=male.


P=primary tumour; R=local recurrence; M=metastasis.


S=sacrum; C=coccyx; T=thoracal vertebra.


Largest diameter in cm.


SI=intralesional excision; RT=radiotherapy (postoperative); IFN=interferon; SM=marginal excision; SW=wide excision; S=surgery, not otherwise specified.


Follow-up in months. R=local recurrence (time to local recurrence in months specified when known); AwD=alive with disease; M=metastasis (time to metastasis in months specified when known); DoD=dead of disease; NED=no evidence of disease; DoC=dead of other causes; LTF=lost to follow-up.


Karyotypes based on G-banding, COBRA-FISH, and aCGH results. ND=not determined.


(+) and (−) indicate presence and absence, respectively, of signals from the probe. ND=not determined.


Karyotypes previously published (Mertens et al, 1994; Kuzniacka et al, 2004).