Figure 2.
Real-time RT–PCR analysis of NKD1, FZD3 and FZD6 expression in colorectal adenomas. Relative expression of NKD1 (open bars), FZD3 (grey bars) and FZD6 (striped bars) was determined in a series of adenomas by comparison to their levels in matched normal samples, using real-time RT–PCR as described in the text. Samples were ordered by NKD1 expression levels to reveal any association between the targets. Note that two samples (E and N) were not analysed for FZD6. These adenomas were also stained to assess nuclear accumulation of β-catenin and phospho-c-Jun and the outcome of this is indicated below each cluster of bars where + indicates detection and − indicates a failure to detect nuclear β-catenin (C) and phospho-c-Jun (J).