Metal-sensitivity growth experiments. E. coli W3110 (Wt strain, insensitive to metals) or E. coli GG48 (mutant strain, sensitive to Cd+2 and Zn+2) were cultured in the presence of the indicated metal concentrations. In all panels: Squares: W3110/pBAD N (empty vector), circles GG48/pBAD N (empty vector), triangles: GG48 cells expressing the N-terminal tagged version of the indicated protein, crosses: GG48 cells expressing the C-terminal tagged version of the indicated protein. (A) Ralstonia metallidurans ZntA; (B) Ralstonia metallidurans CadA; (C) Human-Eschericia coli chimera Cu(6)-ZntA; (D) Eschericia coli ZntA