Figure 1.
Activation of β-adrenergic receptors rescues impairments of LTP maintenance generated by genetic PKA deficiency. (A) In wild-type mice, application of ISO does not alter LTP generated by four trains of HFS. (B) In mutant mice, maintenance of LTP generated by four trains of LTP is impaired. Application of ISO significantly enhances the maintenance of this LTP. (C) Summary histogram showing that initial potentiation levels are not affected by application of ISO during four trains of HFS in wild-type or mutant mice. (D) Summary histogram showing that the maintenance of LTP is significantly enhanced by ISO application in mutant mice only (*P < 0.05). All sample traces were taken 10 min after commencement of baseline recording and 120 min after HFS. Calibration: 5 mV, 2 msec.