Table 1.
Age (range) years | Female : Male | Duration of the paresis; medium range (weeks) | MRC foot flexors (medium range) | Weakness of hip abduction (patients) | Atrophy of the ipsilateral gluteus maximus muscle (patients) | Nerve conduction studies normal : N.suralis/mot. peroneus (patients) | Axonal lesion signs in the ipsilateral gastrocnemius muscle (patients) | Axonal lesion signs in the ipsilateral gluteus maximus muscle (patients) | Axonal lesion signs in the rectus femoris/tibialis anterior muscle, peroneus longus muscle/contralateral tibialis anterior muscle (patients) | Straight leg raise test positive |
47 year (31–70) | 5:6 | 5.8 (2–24) | 3.4/5 (2/5–4/5) | 5/9a | 6/10b | 11/11 | 11/11 | 9/11 | 0/11 | 11/11 |
MRC Medical Research Council
aND in two patients
bND in one patient