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. 2008 Apr 21;7:7. doi: 10.1186/1476-5918-7-7

Table 3.

Validation of methods of predicting % body fat compared to HW

Method % fat (x¯ ± SD) Slope Intercept CE r SEE TE
HW 15.8 ± 4.7

Circumference equations MC 13.6 ± 4.1 0.88 3.85 2.16* 0.78 3.00 3.7
NAF 13.4 ± 4.9 0.71 6.24 2.34* 0.74 3.20 4.1
A 14.3 ± 4.4 0.77 4.76 1.43 0.73 3.23 3.6
Friedl 14.4 ± 4.7 0.74 5.12 1.33 0.75 3.15 3.5

* Represents significance (p < 0.0125), Represents an unacceptable TE (TE > 4.0% BF)

CE = Constant error, TE = Total error, SEE = Standard error of estimate, r = Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.

HW = Hydrostatic weighing [4], %fat = [(4.57/body density) - 4.142] × 100

MC – Marine Corps [18], %fat = (0.740 × abdominal circumference in cm) - (1.249 × neck circumference in cm) + 0.985

NAF – Navy and Air Force [21], % fat = [(4.95/body density) - 4.5] × 100

NAF [20], body density = [0.155 × log (height in cm)] - [0.191 × log (abdominal - neck circumference in cm)] + 1.032

Army [19], %fat = [76.5 × log (abdominal - neck circumference in cm)] - [68.7 × log (height in cm)] + 43.7

Friedl [8], %fat = [0.771 × (abdominal - neck circumference in cm)] - (0.132 × height in cm) + 4.29