Figure 2.
A negatively charged region on the surface of the nucleosome acts as a repulsive domain. (a) Charged surfaces for PDB entry 1ZLA (red, negatively charged; blue, positively charged) were calculated through Delphi/GRASP15 and the figure was rendered in PyMol16. (b) Upon interaction with LANA1–23, the surface contours and charge of the nucleosomal region are altered. (c,d) Mg50 values are plotted as a function of molar ratios of LANA1–23 to nhs nucleosomes in the nhs nucleosome array (nhs-NA; c) or to gh4-nhs nucleosomes in the gh4-nhs nucleosome array (gh4-nhs-NA) (d). Error bars in all panels represent s.d. from three separate experiments.