Figure 2.
AutoAssign connectivity map for S28E. Intraresidue (i) and sequential (s) connectivities are shown as horizontal black and gray lines, respectively. Resonances of residues A73 and A74, as well as H78 through H82 in the C-terminal tag, could not be unambiguously assigned due to degeneracy. Sequential spin-system type assignment constraints (STACs) used in the AutoAssign calculations are represented by filled triangles. 3J(HN-Hα) values are depicted as open circles (<6 Hz), half-filled circles (6 ≤ J ≤ 8 Hz), and filled circles (>8 Hz). Residues with slowly exchanging backbone amide protons are represented by filled diamonds. Interresidue NOE connectivities identified by AutoStructure calculations are shown as thin, medium, and thick black lines, corresponding to weak, medium, and strong NOE interactions. Bar graphs of the consensus CSI (Wishart and Sykes 1994) and 1H-15N heteronuclear NOE data are shown. Secondary structural elements in the final S28E structure and predicted by PHD (Rost 1996) are also shown.