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Table 1.

Characteristics of mothers and infants by maternal parity*

Characteristics Mothers
All mothers (n = 1359) Parity 0 (n = 759) Parity 1 (n = 600) P‐value
Age (years)  18.8 (2.6)  17.9 (2.4)  20.1 (2.3) <0.001
Supplement group (%)
 Control  19.9  20.6  19.0 0.164
 Folic acid  19.0  20.4  17.2
 Folic acid–iron  20.5  18.6  23.0
 Folic acid–iron–zinc  20.5  19.6  21.7
 Multiple micronutrient  20.1  20.8  19.2
Ethnicity (%)
 Pahadi  39.6  45.9  31.7 <0.001
 Madeshi  60.4  54.2  68.3
Caste (%)
 Brahmin   9.9  12.0   7.3 0.001
 Chhetri  11.0  12.7   8.8
 Vaiysha  63.1  60.2  66.7
 Shudra  11.1  11.3  10.8
 Non‐Hindu   5.0   3.8   6.3
Smoking (%)  23.5  22.8  24.3 0.537
Literacy (%)  33.0  39.5  24.8 <0.001
Land ownership (hectares)   0.9 (1.6)   1.0 (1.6)   0.8 (1.6) 0.058
Height (cm) 150.7 (5.5) 150.9 (5.4) 150.5 (5.7) 0.158
Weight (kg)  44.6 (5.5)  45.6 (5.4)  43.4 (5.4) <0.001
Body mass index (BMI; kg m−2)  19.6 (2.0)  20.0 (2.0)  19.2 (1.9) <0.001
Mid‐upper arm circumference (cm)  22.2 (1.8)  22.4 (1.8)  21.8 (1.8) <0.001
Thin (% with BMI < 18.5)  27.9  20.8  36.8 <0.001
All infants Parity 0 Parity 1 P‐value
Sex (% male)   52.0   52.0   51.8 0.938
Age at the time of birth measurements (days)    0.10 (0.37)    0.13 (0.43)    0.06 (0.29) 0.002
Birthweight (g) 2573 (417) 2534 (407) 2623 (426) <0.001
Birth length (cm)   47.11 (2.38)   46.97 (2.46)   47.28 (2.27) 0.019
Head circumference (cm)   32.51 (1.47)   32.42 (1.46)   32.62 (1.47) 0.011
Chest circumference (cm)   30.31 (1.90)   30.14 (1.85)   30.52 (1.94) <0.001
Ponderal index (kg m−3)   24.42 (2.40)   24.26 (2.30)   24.62 (2.49) 0.010
Low birthweight (<2500 g) (%)   43.2   47.0   38.3 0.001
Small for gestational age (%)   62.8   66.4   58.3 0.001
Preterm (<37 weeks) (%)   18.2   18.7   17.5 0.562

Estimates represent mean (SD) for continuous variables and percentage for categorical variables.

P‐values were calculated using linear regression for continuous variables and logistic regression for categorical variables using a robust estimation of the variance.