Fig. 7.
Photomicrograph of the interface of the decorticated group with a cancellous graft (group I). Note the model of predominant intramembranous ossification. a Section from an animal killed 3 weeks after surgery. Note the direct neoformation of a great quantity of compact bone filling the entire interface. Observe the great quantity of blood vessels at the periphery of the interface (Masson trichrome, ×100). b Section from an animal killed 6 weeks after surgery. Note the formation of compact bone in the entire interface and the presence of areas of bone remodeling at the two extremities of the interface (Masson trichrome, ×25). c Same section as in b at higher magnification (Masson trichrome, ×100). Note the formation of compact bone with irregularly distributed osteoblasts (Masson trichrome, ×100). d Section from an animal killed 9 weeks after surgery. Note the complete contact between interfaces, with areas of bone remodeling at the periphery of the interfaces (Masson trichrome, ×40)