(A) the woody Sonchus alliance (Asterids, Euasterid II, Asterales) (species in the pictures, from top to bottom; Sonchus gandogeri*, S. acaulis*, and S. canariensis*) . (B) Echium (Asterids, Euasterid I, unplaced) (species in the pictures; Echium auberianum
†, E. callithyrsum*, and E. wildpretii
†). (C) the Aeonium alliance (Saxifragales) (species in the pictures; Aichryson punctatum
∏, Monanthes muralis
∏, Greenovia aurea*, and Aeonium cuneatum
∏). (D) Sideritis (Asterids, Euasterid I, Lamiales) (species in the pictures, top left, Sideritis gomerae
¶; top right, S. macrostachys
¶; bottom row, S. eriocephala
¶). (E) Crambe (Rosids, Eurosid II, Brassicales) (species in the pictures; Crambe scaberrima
§ and C. pritzelii
§). Branch colors: gray, closest continental relatives; black, the Canary Islands; blue, Madeira; red, Cape Verde. Branch lengths are proportional to changes on the trees and outgroup taxa are not shown. (photo credits: *Seung-Chul Kim, †Jose Mesa, ¶Janet C. Barber, §Manuel Luis Gil González, and ∏Mark Mort).