Fig. 3.
Correlation of the mRNA- and protein-expression (same mRNA-data as shown in Figs 1 and 2) of β-amyloid-associated and inflammatory markers in the muscle of sIBM, PM and DM patients. (A) Correlation of the mRNA-expression of APP with the grade of cellular infiltration as assessed by H&E staining (first column), the mRNA-expression of CXCL-9 (second column), IFN-γ (third column) as well as with IL-1β (last column). One dot per patient. Due to similar values, two patients in the PM group are plotted with a high degree of overlap. (B) Immunohistochemical double labelling for β-amyloid (Alexa-594; red) and MHC-I (Alexa-488; green) reveals a frequent co-localization (arrows) of these markers in myofibres in a representative muscle biopsy specimen of a patient with sIBM. Nuclear counterstain with DAPI. Images taken by a CCD-camera using a conventional fluorescent microscope with a 20× objective. Scale bar represents 50 µm.