Fig. 14.
Performance of the optimal distance-dependent, accessible surface, and combined statistical potentials. The performance is described by the ROC curves, which plot the fraction of false negatives (F.N.) as a function of the fraction of false positives (F.P.) (Materials and Methods). The lower the curve, the better the discrimination between the good and bad models. The ROC curves for the accessible surface potential (•), the distance dependent potential (▪), and the combined potential (broken line) are plotted. (A) The 443/1922 test set of the very small models, (B) the 1103/2600 test set of the small models, (C) the 1126/1412 test set of the medium size models, and (D) the 703/336 test set of the large models. (E) The performance of the potentials is also evaluated by the 3375/6270 set of all good and bad models.