Fig. 5.
Effect of formation of covalent HMW u-PA:PAI-1 complex on the fluorescence emission spectra of NBD and dansyl fluorophores attached to positions 119 or 302 of cysteine-substituted PAI-1 species. (A) Complex with 119C-dansyl PAI-1–; (B) complex with 119C-NBD-PAI-1; (C) complex with 302C-dansyl-PAI-1; (D) complex with 302-NBD-PAI-1. The spectra of HMW u-PA:PAI-1 complexes were obtained from spectra of reaction mixtures of PAI-1 with trypsin and have been corrected for the contributions of any native or cleaved PAI-1 present and then normalized to the intensity for 100% complex at this concentration.