Figure 5.
Phasing X-ray data with a cryo-EM density map. (a) Fivefold self-rotation function peaks calculated in POLARRFN with data in the resolution range 15–10 Å and a radius of integration of 130 Å. The positions (ϕ, ψ) corresponding to one of the four particles in the unit cell are indicated. (b) Translational correlation coefficient search for the origin of recombinant HEV-VLPORF3/ORF2. The data used in the calculations were in the resolution range 70–30 Å (only the result at x = 0 is shown). The search grid started at the coarse interval of 10 Å and was refined at a finer interval of 2 Å. The maximum correlation coefficient was observed at the point (−2, 0, −6 Å).