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. 2008 Feb 29;10(1):R27. doi: 10.1186/ar2380

Table 4.

Total tibial cartilage volume r2 values and p values for Δr2 for different linear regression models

Model for total tibial cartilage volume r2 p Value for Δ r2 compared with the specified model ΔF with addition to the model (p value for ΔF is the same as for Δr2)
Bone area only (+) 0.14 < 0.001 N/A
Bone area (+) age (-) 0.21 < 0.001 compared with bone area only 14.84
Bone area (+) age (-) smoking, alcohol 0.22 0.43 compared with bone area and age 0.86
Bone area (+) age (-) smoking, alcohol, BMI 0.22 0.53 compared with bone area, age, smoking and alcohol 0.39
Bone area (+) age (-) smoking, alcohol, ln hsCRP (-) 0.28 < 0.001 compared with bone area, age, smoking, alcohol 13.15
Bone area (+) age (-) smoking, alcohol, BMI ln hsCRP(-) 0.28 < 0.001 compared with bone area age smoking alcohol 7.23 (both variables added together); if BMI added first, ΔF = 0.43 (p for ΔF = 0.51) followed by lnCRP ΔF = 13.99, (p for ΔF < 0.001); if ln CRP added first, ΔF = 13.15, (p for ΔF < 0.001) followed by BMI ΔF = 1.28, (p for ΔF = 0.26)

Parenthesis indicate the sign of regression coefficients statistically significant at the 5% level. BMI, body mass index (kg/m2); ln hsCRP, natural log high sensitivity C-reactive protein.