Figure 2. Change in cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) during lower body negative pressure (LBNP) for protocol 1A.
Baseline CVC values prior to LBNP during heat stress are shown at the top of each bar. Baseline CVC values at the BTX site were matched with those at the untreated control site (open bar) by adenosine + l-NAME infusion, although at the l-NAME site (filled bar) CVC was lower than at the other sites. LBNP decreased CVC at all sites. The magnitude of reduction in CVC was significantly greater at the l-NAME site than at the untreated site despite a lower CVC baseline prior to LBNP, while the reduction in CVC at the BTX + adenosine + l-NAME site (hatched bar) was greater than at each of the other sites. *Significantly different between sites; P < 0.05.