Figure 4.
The kinetics of inhibition by 300 nm cisatracurium at 37°C Onset and recovery curves were generated from experiments on a single patch. The relative current (Iantag/I0) decreased as the patch was exposed to cisatracurium for longer times (onset time constant, 3 ms) and increased after cisatracurium was removed from the patch (recovery time constant, 7 ms). The open electrode test (right panel) shows how exposure times were verified at the end of each experiment. The patch was blown off the electrode and the open electrode was exposed to different NaCl concentrations (solution 1, normal ECS; solution 2, 50% ECS; solution 3, 85% ECS) using the same exposure time protocol. The current recorded at 0 mV reflects the time course of the solution change. The shortest exposure time to solution 2 was 1 ms (black trace).