Fig. 1.
Lewy pathology. (A) High-magnification photomicrograph of a Lewy body (arrowhead) in a pyramidal neuron of the OF of a subject diagnosed with neocortical stage AD. (B) Lewy neurites in an amyloid plaque. Toluidine blue counterstaining allows the visualization of Alzheimer-type plaques (centre, labelled with asterisk), into which Lewy neurites have developed. The majority of Lewy neurites are observed in cross-section (transverse), appearing as dots rather than lines of axonal labelling. (C) A Lewy neurite in horizontal section. It is notable that Lewy neurites can extend for long distances. The neurite visible in C is from a region of the AON and is approximately 220 µm in length. Scale bar = 25 µm.