Schematic representation of lower jaw dentition in adult Atlantic salmon. Semi-schematic drawing of the lower jaw dentition in an adult salmon (a) and schematic representation of the left lower jaw dentition (b) as identifiable in radiographs (see e.g. Fig. 5d). In (a), large grey circles represent functional teeth, large open circles advanced replacement teeth, and small open circles young replacement teeth. Remains of functional teeth in resorption are represented by small black circles. In (b), vertical lines connect teeth that are in a similar position in the tooth row and, because of their epithelial connection and developmental association, belong to the same tooth family. Horizontal lines connect teeth in a similar stage of development: young replacement teeth (small white triangles), advanced replacement teeth (large white triangles), functional teeth (large grey triangles), and teeth in resorption (black triangles). Teeth are initiated close to the oral epithelial surface; as they differentiate, they grow downwards and move from a more lingual to a more labial position. Anterior to the left, lingual to the top, labial to the bottom of the scheme.