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. 2008 Feb;98(2):304–309. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2006.106377


Parameter Estimates and Elasticities for the Independent Effect of Cumulative Per Capita State Tobacco Control Program Expenditures and Cigarette Prices on Adult Smoking Prevalence, by Age Groupa and Annual Percentage Discount Rate for Tobacco Control Expenditures: United States, Current Population Survey, 1985–2003

10% Discount 25% Discount 50% Discount
b (P ) Elasticity b (P ) Elasticity b (P ) Elasticity
Overall population
    Cumulative per capita expenditures −0.040 (<.01) −0.017 −0.048 (<.01) −0.014 −0.052 (<.01) −0.010
    Real cigarette price −0.025 (.05) −0.059 −0.033 (.01) −0.076 −0.042 (.01) −0.097
Aged 18–24 years
    Cumulative per capita expenditures −0.035 (.04) −0.014 −0.031 (.21) −0.009 −0.016 (.66) −0.003
    Real cigarette price −0.123 (<.01) −0.270 −0.136 (<.01) −0.297 −0.147 (<.01) −0.322
Aged 25–39 years
    Cumulative per capita expenditures −0.049 (<.01) −0.019 −0.053 (<.01) −0.015 −0.050 (<.01) −0.09
    Real cigarette price 0.030 (.20) 0.065 0.017 (.431) 0.050 0.006 (.78) 0.013
Aged ≥40 years
    Cumulative per capita expenditures −0.038 (<.01) −0.017 −0.050 (<.01) −0.016 −0.063 (<.01) −0.013
    Real cigarette price −0.035 (.04) −0.083 −0.039 (.02) −0.094 −0.046 (.01) −0.111

Note. Parameter estimates were controlled for the effects of age, age squared, gender, race/ethnicity, marital status, education level, employment status, income level, missing demographic values, interview mode (in person vs telephone), youth-oriented tobacco control program, the interaction between youth-oriented antitobacco program and funding, state of residence, and year of survey participation. For explanation of percentage discount and elasticity, see “Methods” section.

aFor each age group, the number of people responding to the survey who provided complete information on all of the variables used in the analysis was as follows: overall population = 1 210 280; 18 to 24 years = 112 906; 25 to 39 years = 373 556; 40 and older = 723 818.

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