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. 2008 Apr;98(4):692–698. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2006.093492


Characteristics of Prenatal Care, by Maternal Skin Color and Year: Pelotas, Brazil, 1982, 1993, and 2004

White Black and Mixed-Race
1982 1993 2004 P 1982 1993 2004 P Pa
No. of prenatal consultations <.001b <.001b <.001
    0 4.0 3.8 1.5 10.3 8.3 3.3
    1–3 9.5 5.5 4.1 17.6 11.5 10.2
    4–6 28.8 23.3 20.3 31.6 33.4 26.4
    ≥ 7 57.7 67.4 74.1 40.5 46.8 60.1
Gestational age at the 1st consultation, trimesterc <.001b <.001b <.001
    1st 64.5 75.5 76.6 46.5 60.5 62.7
    2nd 26.9 21.3 21.5 42.4 32.4 33.1
    3rd 8.6 3.2 1.9 11.1 7.1 4.2
Had a gynecological examinationc . . . 79.1 78.3 .5b . . . 74.2 71.8 .2b <.001
Had a breast examinationc . . . 51.7 57.7 <.001b . . . 42.2 51.4 <.001b <.001
Uterine height was measuredc . . . 99.2 99.5 .05b . . . 99.1 99.0 .9b .05
Tetanus toxoid was administeredc . . . 57.0 76.2 <.001b . . . 63.3 75.3 <.001b .5
Received prescription for ironc . . . 62.3 76.6 <.001b . . . 63.8 79.0 <.001b .1
Counseled about breastfeedingc . . . 44.7 61.7 <.001b . . . 43.5 63.7 <.001b .2
Smoked during pregnancyd 34.8 32.5 22.6 <.001e 41.1 36.7 31.6 <.001e <.001
Cesarean delivery 28.9 32.1 46.3 <.001e 21.7 25.3 42.2 <.001e .02
Total no. of births 4927 4093 3122 1081 1209 1165

aχ2 test.

bχ2 test for difference between White and Black and mixed-race mothers in 2004.

cOnly for mothers who attended antenatal care.

dDefined as smoking at least 1 cigarette every day during the pregnancy.

eχ2 test for trend over time.