Figure 10.
EM micrographs of double-row polysomes formed during 2 h of translation in the cell-free systems programmed with different luciferase mRNA constructs. (a, b) mRNAs with both 5′ and 3′ UTRs: 5′UTRObelin-Luc-3′UTRTMV, and 5′UTRTMV-Luc-3′UTRTMV, respectively; (c, d) mRNAs with only 5′UTR: 5′UTRObelin-Luc, and 5′UTRTMV-Luc (Ω-Luc), respectively; (e) mRNA with only 3′UTR: Luc-3′UTRTMV; (f) mRNA without specific 5′ and 3′ UTRs (Luc). Specimens were prepared by surface spreading and negatively stained with uranyl acetate.