Table 3.
Proteins extracted from SwissProt and Genpept Database using sequence G-[AC]-D-G-X-X-[SG]-X(10-300)-G-X(5)-D-A-X-H
Proteins |
Known |
Phenol hydroxylase |
Salicylate hydroxylase |
2,4-Dichlorophenol hydroxylase |
Pentachlorophenol hydroxylase |
4-Aminobenzoate hydroxylase |
Hypothetical |
52.4 kDa protein in ATP-ROX3, intergenic region (GenBank |
accession code P38169) |
Partial sequence of FAD binding gene (GenBank |
accession code U29897) |
Putative oxygenase from biosynthesis and oxygenation |
pathway of urdamycin A (GenBank accession code |
X87093) |
Database searching used the PatternFind server from the Bioinformatics Group at the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (