A) Quantification of total tubule number, total tubule length (sum of all tubule lengths measured) as determined from 50 low magnification images evenly sampling one EM grid. B) Quantification of mean tubule diameter from low-magnification images like those in Figure S5A–B. Error bars are the standard deviation for the population of tubules. C) Still images of video-DIC recordings of amphiphysin and FBP17. D) Each data point is the rms2 (root mean square to the square) of 100 tip-to-base measurements of a tubule as a function of total tubule length. The persistence length (Lp) was determined by fitting the data with a theoretical curve according to the equation: δR2(t) = 2(Lp)2[x/Lp − 1 + e(−x Lp)]; where δR2(t) is the rms2, x the total length and Lp the persistence length (Derenyi et al., 2002; Le Goff et al., 2002a; Le Goff et al., 2002b). Bars (A,B) 10 µm (C) 5 µm.