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. 2008 May;6(3):198–205. doi: 10.1370/afm.821

Table 1.

Items for Perceived Similarities Measures

  1. The way my doctor and I speak is .................. (PS)

  2. The way my doctor and I reason about problems is ................... (PS)

  3. My doctor and I have.................. styles of communication(PS)

  4. My doctor and I have.................. general values in life(PS)

  5. My doctor and I have.................. spiritual beliefs(PS)

  6. My doctor and I have.................. ethnic backgrounds(ES)

  7. The types of people I spend my free time with and the types of people my doctor spends his/her free time with are ................... (ES)

  8. My doctor and I are.................. in terms of race(ES)

  9. My doctor and I are.................. in terms of culture(ES)

  10. My doctor and I are.................. in terms of skin color(ES)

ES = ethnic similarity; PS = personal similarity.

Note: Response options: very similar, moderately similar, slightly similar, slightly different, moderately different, very different. Responses on items 1 through 4 were summed to create a measure of perceived personal similarity. Responses on items 6 through 10 were summed to create a measure of perceived ethnic similarity.