Table 2.
Whole genome ER ChIP-chip results based on either Affymetrix or xMAN probe mapping under different FDR thresholds
FDR thresholds (%) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 5 |
Affymetrixa | 2,646 (2,312) | 5,221 (4,572) | 5,714 (4,993) | 7,293 (6,413) |
xMANa | 3,281 (2929) | 6,544 (5,820) | 7,563 (6,760) | 8,890 (7,925) |
Shared Regionsb | 2,475 (2,217) | 5,006 (4,481) | 5,436 (4,876) | 6,871 (6,184) |
Percentage of Shared Regionsc | 93.5 (95.9) | 95.9 (98.0) | 95.1 (97.6) | 94.2 (96.5) |
aThe numbers of ChIP-regions identified by MAT are shown in the table. A ChIP-region is annotated as repeat if more than 70% of the region is within RepeatMasker repeats, simple repeats, or segmental duplications. The numbers of non-repeat regions are shown in the parentheses.
bChIP-regions identified from Affymetrix_NCBIv34 probe mapping were converted into NCBIv35 version using LiftOver program ( Two regions are considered the same if they overlap by more than 50%.
cThe percentage of shared regions was defined as the number of shared regions divided by the number of regions identified using Affymetrix probe mapping.