Fig 5.
Dilated cardiomyopathy in Rce1 lx/α αMyhc-Cre+/o mice. A, Increased size of hearts from Rce1flx/α αMyhc-Cre+/o mice, compared with Rce1+/+αMyhc-Cre+/o controls. B, H&E-stained sections of an Rce1flx/α αMyhc-Cre+/o heart and an Rce1+/+αMyhc-Cre+/o heart, both from 7-month-old mice. The hearts from Rce1flx/α αMyhc-Cre+/o mice were invariably dilated. Note the organized left atrial thrombus (arrow) in the heart from the Rce1flx/α αMyhc-Cre+/o mouse. Reproduced, with permission from The Journal of Biological Chemistry (Bergo et al., 2004).