Electron micrographs of cocultures of Schwann cells and wt (A, C, and E) and NRG1 type III−/− (B, D, and F) neurons maintained for 60 days. Myelinated axons (MA) are common in wt cocultures. Interruptions in the surrounding myelin sheaths represent typical non-compacted specializations of the myelin sheath; a thinly myelinated axon is also indicated (star) in panel (E). Smaller axons are not myelinated, but are consistently ensheathed (arrowheads, [C and E]). Despite apposition of Schwann cell processes, most axons in NRG1 type III−/− cocultures lack any ensheathment or are incompletely ensheathed (asterisks). No myelin is detectable in any of the NRG1 type III−/− cocultures, and many large diameter axons (asterisks, [F]) remain unsorted; one fully ensheathed fiber is apparent ([F], arrowhead). Scale bars, 1 μm (E and F), 2 μm (A, B, D, and E). Schwann cell nuclei are visible in many of the micrographs.