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. 2008 May;179(1):113–123. doi: 10.1534/genetics.107.085688


Nuclear tRNA genes and cytosolic codon usage in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Amino acids Anticodonsa Codonsb Gene nos.a % cytoc Probesd
Ala AGC GCU–GCC 13 7.24 Al
CGC GCG 6 + 4 4.29 A1–A2
UGC GCA 3 + 1 1.06 A1–A2
Arg CCG CGG 3 1.1 Ri
ACG CGU–CGC 11 4.04 R2
CCU AGG 2 0.27 R3
UCG CGA 1 0.19 R4
UCU AGA 3 0.07 R5
Asn GGU AAU–AAC 7 3.09 N
Asp GUC GAU–GAC 11 4.83 D
Cys GCA UGU–UGC 7 1.39 C
Gln UUG CAA 1 0.43 Qi
CUG CAG 6 3.6 Q2
Glu UUC GAA 1 0.28 El
CUC GAG 13 5.41 E2
Gly GCC GGU–GGC 17 7.27 Gi
UCC GGA 1 0.5 G2
CCC GGG 1 0.94 G3
His GUG CAC 5 1.9 H
Ile AAU AUU–AUC 7 3.49 Ii
UAU AUA 1 0.1 12
Leu CAG CUG 10 6.48 Li
CAA UUG 2 0.39 L2
UAA UUA 1 0.06 L3
UAG CUA 1 0.26 L4
AAG CUU–CUC 3 1.73 L5
Lys CUU AAG ii 4.42 Ki
UUU AAA 1 0.24 K2
Mete CAU AUG i 8 0.21 Mi
CAU AUG e 6 2.38 Me
Phe GAA UUU–UUC 9 3.24 F
Pro AGG CCU–CCC 13 3.65 P
CGG CCG 6 2.02 P
UGG CCA 1 0.52 P
Ser AGA UCU–UCC 5 2.09 Si
UGA UCA 1 0.32 S2
CGA UCG 5 1.63 S3
GCU AGC–AGU 8 2.52 S4
Thr AGU ACU–ACC 6 3.35 Ti
CGU ACG 3 1.55 T2
UGU ACA 2 0.41 T3
Trp CCA UGG 5 1.31 W
Tyr GAC UAU–UAC 8 2.56 Y
Val AAC GUU–GUC 7 2.1 Vi
CAC GUG 10 4.61 V2
UAC GUA 1 0.21 V3

Each tRNA isoacceptor family is identified by its anticodon and the number of corresponding genes is given according to Merchant et al. (2007). For tRNAAlaCGC and tRNAAlaUGC, the two gene numbers refer to the two types of sequences (groups I and II, see Figure 2) identified for each isoacceptor.


Minimal potential codon recognition pattern of tRNA isoacceptors listed according to the anticodons in the previous column.


Cytosolic (% cyto) codon usage as obtained from


Names of probes are according to supplemental Table 2. The plastidial tRNAIleGAT gene inserted into the nuclear genome is not indicated.


For Met codons AUG i and AUG e, i and e stand for initiator and elongator tRNAMet, respectively.