Table 1.
Studies quantifying heritability (h2) of nestling PHA-response in avian wild populations. (In full-sib analyses, p is the significance of the nest-of-origin effect, and in parent–offspring regression the significance of the slope.)
study | species | h2 | method | p | remarks |
Ardia & Rice (2006) | Tachycineta bicolor | 0 | full-sib | three different populations | |
0 | full-sib | ||||
0.42 | full-sib | <0.05 | |||
Ardia (2005) | Sturnus vulgaris | 0.80 | full-sib | <0.01 | |
Brinkhof et al. (1999) | Parus major | 0.30 | full-sib | <0.001 | |
Christe et al. (2000) | Delichon urbica | 0.01 | full-sib | 0.59 | |
Cichoń et al. (2006) | Ficedula albicollis | 0.25 | full-sib | 0.032 | |
0.36 | full-sib | 0.004 | brood size manipulation | ||
Cucco et al. (2006) | Perdix perdix | 0.05 | mother–offspring | 0.82 | measured in different life stages |
0.27 | father–offspring | 0.20 | measured in different life stages | ||
De Neve et al. (2004) | Pica pica | 0.19 | full-sib | >0.05 | food supplemented nestlings |
0 | full-sib | control nestlings | |||
Kilpimaa et al. (2005) | Parus major | 0.07 | full-sib | 0.40 | |
Saino et al. (1997) | Hirundo rustica | no data | full-sib | 0.004 | |
Soler et al. (2003) | Ficedula hypoleuca | 0.17 | full-sib | 0.23 | |
Tella et al. (2000) | Falco sparverius | 0.24 | full-sib | 0.048 |