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. 2007 Jun 13;3(4):418–421. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2007.0135

Table 1.

Studies quantifying heritability (h2) of nestling PHA-response in avian wild populations. (In full-sib analyses, p is the significance of the nest-of-origin effect, and in parent–offspring regression the significance of the slope.)

study species h2 method p remarks
Ardia & Rice (2006) Tachycineta bicolor 0 full-sib three different populations
0 full-sib
0.42 full-sib <0.05
Ardia (2005) Sturnus vulgaris 0.80 full-sib <0.01
Brinkhof et al. (1999) Parus major 0.30 full-sib <0.001
Christe et al. (2000) Delichon urbica 0.01 full-sib 0.59
Cichoń et al. (2006) Ficedula albicollis 0.25 full-sib 0.032
0.36 full-sib 0.004 brood size manipulation
Cucco et al. (2006) Perdix perdix 0.05 mother–offspring 0.82 measured in different life stages
0.27 father–offspring 0.20 measured in different life stages
De Neve et al. (2004) Pica pica 0.19 full-sib >0.05 food supplemented nestlings
0 full-sib control nestlings
Kilpimaa et al. (2005) Parus major 0.07 full-sib 0.40
Saino et al. (1997) Hirundo rustica no data full-sib 0.004
Soler et al. (2003) Ficedula hypoleuca 0.17 full-sib 0.23
Tella et al. (2000) Falco sparverius 0.24 full-sib 0.048