Figure 8.
Phenotypes of the pny, knat6, and knat6 pny Siliques.
(A) to (C) Wild-type stage 17 fruit.
(A) Scanning electron micrograph showing the replum region (bar = 20 μm). The replum is the ridge between the two valves (arrowheads).
(B) Transverse section of the replum stained with phloroglucinol to detect lignification (pink). In the wild type, the lignification was detected at the valves margins (arrowheads) and in the inner replum (arrow) (bar = 40 μm).
(C) Septum.
(D) to (F) pny stage 17 fruit.
(D) Scanning electron micrograph showing a narrow replum region (arrowheads) (bar = 20 μm).
(E) Transverse section of pny fruit showing the lignified layer that extends across the replum.
(F) pny septum with fusion defects.
(G) to (I) knat6 stage 17 fruit.
(G) Scanning electron micrograph showing a wild-type replum surface (bar = 20 μm).
(H) Transverse section of knat6 fruit showing a wild-type lignification pattern (bar = 40 μm).
(I) The knat6 septum was wild type.
(J) to (L) knat6 pny stage 17 fruit. The inactivation of KNAT6 rescued pny fruit defects.
(J) Scanning electron micrograph showing a wild-type replum surface (bar = 20 μm).
(K) Transverse section of knat6 pny fruit showing a wild-type lignification pattern in the replum region (bar = 40 μm).
(L) The knat6 pny septum showing no fusion defects.