SCAR Genes Function Redundantly during Morphogenesis and in Dark-Grown Seedlings.
(A) to (D) Scanning electron micrograph of mature trichomes. Bars = 50 μm.
(A) The mature wild-type (Col-0) trichome has three highly elongated branches.
(B) The mature scar2 (dis3-1) trichome with a typical weak distorted phenotype.
(C) The mature scar4 (scar4-t2) trichome has three highly elongated branches.
(D) The mature scar2;scar4 double mutant trichome has a very strong swollen and distorted phenotype.
(E) to (H) Shoots of 7-DAG dark-grown seedlings of wild-type (E), scar2 (F), scar1;scar3 (G), and arpc2 (dis2) (H).
(I) to (L) Wide-field fluorescence images of fields of cotyledon epidermal pavement cells of wild-type (I), scar2;scar4 (J), scar1 scar2;scar3;scar4 (K), and arpc2 (dis2) (L).
(M) to (P) Digitally processed images of individual pavement cells from (I) to (L) overlayed with their calculated skeletons.